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MBA community discussion boards, MBA program info & top 10 lists help you find your MBA program. IHM MBA - Year 1 IHM MBA - Year 1. Business & Hospitality Courses. A combination of business and hospitality courses taught at school (Duration: 6 months) + Paid Internship. In a luxury hotel in the country or worldwide (Duration: 6 months) ACADEMIC COURSES IN IHM MBA DEGREE.

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The Basel framework is applied on a consolidated basis to internationally active banks. It captures the risks of a whole banking group. Although the framework recognises the need for adequate capitalisation on a stand-alone basis, it does not prescribe how to measure the solo capital requirements which is left to individual supervisory authorities.

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The MBA in International Health Management, offered by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), an associated institute of the University of Basel and a member of the Swiss School of Public Health+ (SSPH+), provides a unique opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills outlined above. Date: January 2021 (subject to change) Associated Institute of the University of Basel . MBA in International Health Management (MBA-IHM) (Can also be taken as stand-alone Short Courses) List of Courses & Dates 2021 . Economic Evaluation in Health Care -EEHC (6 ECTS) – online tropEd accredited Master of Business Administration in International Health Management (MBA-IHM) 2020 Swiss TPH, Basel / Switzerland The Master programme is composed of ten topic-specific courses, a Prac - tice Oriented Project and the Master Thesis.

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Students who have Date: January 2021 (subject to change) Associated Institute of the University of Basel . MBA in International Health Management (MBA-IHM) (Can also be taken as stand-alone Short Courses) List of Courses & Dates 2021 . Economic Evaluation in Health Care -EEHC (6 ECTS) – online tropEd accredited At IHM students are put into decision situations, increasingly testing and developing their ability to apply their knowledge and make good business judgements. All our programmes are based on what individuals and the business community need in terms of basic business, management and leadership skills, as well as contemporary knowledge and practical know-how in various business-oriented career Utbildningen IHM Business Finance omfattar en läranderesa som integrerar de olika ämnesområdena ekonomi, marknadsföring, ledarskap och organisation i sammanhanget hos ett företag som strävar efter att infria kravet på en lönsam och finansiellt hållbar verksamhet. Läranderesan i programmet omfattar tre delkvalifikationer: IHM är den första privata affärsskolan i Sverige som kan examinera på högskolenivå. Nya Marknadsekonom DIHM är en internationell examen på högskolenivå, SeQF nivå 6. Oavsett vilken inriktning du väljer får du spetskompetens i att utveckla affären.

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Course Structure MBA and Short Courses in International Health Management The course starts with a distance based preparation phase and is followed from an on-campus phase. The post-campus phase is finished with the handing of the final assignment. Master of Business Administration MBA International Health Management (MBA-IHM) MBA International Health Management (MBA-IHM) MAS International Health (MAS IH) 28.

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Become Director in International Business Management En executive MBA syftar till att ge dig en ökad kompetens och en större förståelse för hur du kan bedriva arbete med strategisk analys och management med fokus på din roll som ledare. Genom att investera i en MBA utbildning kommer du kunna utveckla ditt arbete och skapa och styra positiva förändringar som driver ditt företag framåt och gör er konkurrenskraftiga. Learn about the MBA programs at Basel School of Business and other business schools in Switzerland. Get info about GMAT scores, scholarships, and MBA tuition Marknadsekonom DIHM är en kvalifikation på högskolenivå för praktiker som vill meritera sig som professionella affärsutvecklare. Det är också en kvalifikation som är internationellt gångbar, då den är placerad på SeQF 6 nivå inom den europeiska referensramen för livslångt lärande.