Nationella SOLVIT-centrer - Europeiska - Europa EU
Problemlösningstjänsten SOLVIT -
SOLVIT is a free of charge service for solving cross-border problems that are due to bad application of EU law by SOLVIT is a European Commission initiative that aims to help in such cases. Here Anoushka Janssens, who works for the service, tells us more. What is your role with SOLVIT and how long have you been involved? In its conclusions, the Council endorsed the Commission's recommendation of 7 December 2001 laying down the principles for using the SOLVIT network. See also. For further information, please consult the pages on the SOLVIT network on the European Commission's website.
SOLVIT puede prestar ayuda en casos relacionados con: prestaciones familiares, derechos de pensión, residencia, visados de entrada para familiares extracomunitarios de ciudadanos de la UE, matriculación de vehículos, permisos de conducir, cualificaciones profesionales, doble imposición, acceso al mercado para productos y servicios o discriminación. SOLVIT peut intervenir dans les domaines suivants : prestations familiales, droits à pension, droits de séjour, visas d'entrée de proches de citoyens européens non ressortissants de l'UE, immatriculation des véhicules, permis de conduire, qualifications professionnelles, remboursement de la TVA, accès des produits et services aux marchés, et discrimination SOLVIT also received strong support from the European Parliament in 2007 which crystallized in the creation of a new budget line for further development and promotion of SOLVIT. Furthermore, several members of the European Parliament have become more engaged in promoting SOLVIT in the course of their daily activities. SOLVIT - Solutions to problems with your European rights. SOLVIT is a service provided by the national administration in each EU country and in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
• Alternativ till domstolsprocess. • Snabba och effektiva Many translated example sentences containing "European consumer centres" Recalling the positive experiences of SOLVIT and of the network of European the Dialogue and the Signpost Service with other related initiatives, such as SOLVIT, European Consumer Centres, Fin-Net and EEJ-Net.
Vad är Solvit? - Europeiska kommissionen - Europa EU
You can read more about the process of making an appeal under ‘How to apply’ below. Outcomes of using the SOLVIT service. Proposed solutions through the SOLVIT service are non-binding on the person making the complaint.
SOLVIT can be a really useful platform... - Smart Frilanskooperativ
Tel.: +421 2 209 25 610. Tel.: +421 2 209 25 604. Fax: +421 2 5441 3909. E-mail: SOLVIT privacy statement. Who can access your data and for what purposes? The 2 SOLVIT centres and the competent authority involved in your case – but only what is necessary to reply to your enquiry or/and to provide you with a solution.; European Commission staff, to: .
Solvit Sverige vid Kommerskollegium Om du vill att Solvit ska behandla ditt ärende måste du göra en anmälan på EU-kommissionens webbplats. Vi på Solvit Sverige svarar gärna på frågor om hur det går till. När ärendet är anmält är det också vi som behandlar det. Charlotte von Mentzer. Telefon: 08-690 48 00
SOLVIT kan helpen met gezinstoelagen, pensioenrechten, verblijfsrechten, inreisvisa voor familieleden van EU-burgers die van buiten de EU komen, registratie van uw auto, rijbewijzen, diploma's, toegang tot de EU-markt voor producten en diensten, discriminatie. SOLVIT P7_TA(2010)0047 European Parliament resolution of 9 March 2010 on SOLVIT (2009/2138(INI)) (2010/C 349 E/02) The European Parliament, — having regard to the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the
The European Commission Representation in Ireland can give free legal advice on your single market rights. You can read more about the process of making an appeal under ‘How to apply’ below.
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Our website uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyse site traffic, personalise content, and serve targeted advertisements. SOLVIT kann Ihnen bei Problemen in folgenden Bereichen helfen: Familienleistungen, Rentenansprüche, Aufenthaltsrecht, Einreisevisa für aus Nicht-EU-Ländern stammende Familienangehörige von EU-Bürgern, Kfz-Zulassung, Führerschein, Berufsqualifikationen, Erstattung der Mehrwertsteuer, Marktzugang für Produkte und Dienstleistungen, Diskriminierung. Gå till sidan: Ditt Europa (Öppna i nytt fönster) Solvit Solvit ger information och hjälp i fall där EU-medborgare eller företag stöter på hinder i ett annat land, såsom orättvisa regler eller beslut och diskriminerande byråkrati.
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Solvit Har du som EU-medborgare eller företag fått problem i ett annat EU-land på grund av att myndigheterna där inte följer EU-lagstiftningen som de ska?
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Problemlösningstjänsten SOLVIT -
SOLVIT Effective Problem Solving in Europe. 4,424 likes · 3 talking about this.
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Telephones: +357 22867207, +357 … SOLVIT is a "European problem-solving tool": that can help entrepreneurs and citizens assert their righ SOLVIT’s role was strengthened in 2013, with an updated legal basis.The SOLVIT Action Plan, which was adopted by the European Commission in May 2017, makes SOLVIT a unique tool for cooperation between the Member States and the Commission, contributing to a better functioning Single Market for all, by fostering and promoting compliance with Union law. European Commission - Press Release details page - Brussels, 6 May 2008 A Spanish student wanted to start her university studies in Belgium, but was refused because the original certified diploma of her secondary education had not been issued yet by the Spanish authorities.